Wednesday, April 29, 2009

an important night

Last night was a very important night in our life.
Mat went to bed without the boob - his very first time since he was born.
I cannot believe it.  Almost 12 months!

Mommy went to a concert and Daddy put Mattie to bed - without any crying!!
I called M at 9h00 just to see how things were going. 
I was expecting M not to answer because he would be in Mat's room trying to calm him down. 
 I was expecting M being a bit fed up and discouraged.  
But no, M was celebrating : he was having a scotch on a week night! 
To celebrate our boy who finally went to bed without his mother's boobies!
Wow - we were so happy...

But now, on a more sad perspective : does that mean that breastfeeding is really over for us?
Will Daddy put Mat to bed again tonight?
Or will mommy say a formal farewell - one last night?

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