Monday, October 20, 2008

the day you were born

In Spanish, there is a beautiful expression for giving birth.  They say: dar luz.  To give light. This is what I did a few months ago.  I gave birth to you, my light.

I have procrastinated so many times on writing this post.  I want to tell you what happened that day but when I start writing the details, everything seems so trivial.  I wrote a draft of this post describing and explaining everything that went on that day but when I came to type it here I just thought it was useless - not interesting. The only thing I remember clearly and that I feel is important is when you came out.  Your voice was so beautiful. You did not even cry, nor scream.  It's as if you just said hello. The first thing I said to your daddy was : " a tellement une belle voix!" I know it is a funny thing to say but your voice was amazing, so soft, so gentle. We cried when we saw how beautiful you were.  You looked so awake, so old already! And you had so much hair!
You were great Mat from the beginning.  You were born at 11h20 and I did not get to spend the night with you.  I was still under shock from all the drugs and I got to see you only the next morning.   The nurse told us that you had spent a wonderful night.  I thought you were such a champion, so strong.  I think I instinctively knew that you would be amazing!

We love you so.

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