Thursday, January 29, 2009

childproofing the house

a plan for the weekend : get the house more "baby-crawling-everywhere" friendly!
Toys R Us, here we come!

already more than a month ago

dreaming of the beach and the warm weather...

does not want to drink any formula

We have tried quite a few things : a few types of nipples, a few types of formula...but Mat does not want to drink formula!! He does not like the taste of it! 
Picky our little boy!

I checked on today and a few moms suggest mixing breast milk with formula.  Apparently, the trick works. I will try tomorrow...

I also called my "breastfeeding godmother" and she gave me two other options : try a soya-based formula - and try a straw! 

Busy weekend ahead. 

Monday, January 26, 2009

his first tooth came out yesterday!!

it is tiny, tiny but it is out!

now how cute is he!

Oma's idea of course to put that rag on my head!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Mateo  :
- is still waking up a few times a night
- is making a lot of sounds - screaming, laughing
- crawls everywhere
- likes to open drawers
- loves to rip paper
- does not like his bed very much
- understands what "no" means
- loves to watch Baby Einstein
- loves blond girls
- likes to sleep in the car
- is finally eating good portions of cereal
- does not like formula or bottles
- makes weird faces
- and likes to grab his hamama! 


I have not written as much as usual on the blog.
Because I would say that my life is brown right now.
Brown? Ya! Brown is good.  I remember that in art therapy brown is often related to roots and family - to the earth, to what is essential.
Brown is the colour I get when I mix a lot of colours together when I am painting. Brown is the colour I get when I am experimenting, when I am trying something new.
Brown is :
- not sleeping a lot at night but being okay with it because it is for Mat.
- having too much work but being okay with it because I love my job.
- being excited about only hour at the supermarket without child because it feels so good to be alone for just a little while.
- not going out that much but knowing it is just temporary.
- not spending much time alone with M because we are taking turns taking care of Mat.

Mateo has definitely brought brown back in style!

And brown is the colour I want to see on the ground in a few weeks I hope.
I am not a winter person.
I know winter has just begun but I am already longing for green grass, hot pink flowers, sunglasses, sandals, driving with the windows open...

Oh ya, and brown is the colour of chocolate cake! Eating tons of sweets lately too ! Chocolate, rice pudding, cookies, juice...What is going on with me?!!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

daddy is leaving for Toronto

Here is a picture of Daddy fishing in Mexico.
Daddy loves to fish.  He can't wait to bring you one day.
We will think of you Daddy...

we are superstars

remember that picture?
guess what? 
I received a call this morning Mattie.  
They told me that we were on their website!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


I was at my parents' house last night and my mom said : think of how many times you have breastfed since Mat was born.  It made me think...Ok, a quick calculation : 1200 times already!
Cannot believe it! Doesn't seem so often.
I love breastfeeding.  It is such a nice quiet intimate time with my boy...but I have been very tired lately and it seems that I am not doing many activities for myself.  My schedule is all about work and taking care of Mat.  Don't get me wrong - I love my work and love to be with Mattie but the time has come that I need a bit of my freedom back...
Breastfeeding will end soon.  Let's see how the weaning goes...


Monday, January 5, 2009

a different life

you were coughing a lot tonight and I got worried.  emotions I have never felt before.  my love for you is so immense.  I cannot imagine my life without you.

New Year's Resolutions

in my journal, i made up a list of personal things, projects and dreams for this year. 
and i also made up another list : "things I want to do with Mat"
I want to:
colour with you
dance with you
swim with you
read to you
walk with you
play with you
cook for you
giggle with you
talk with you

and of course write about you!
It's gonna be a fun year.

Friday, January 2, 2009

things that change...

when I was pregnant, Daisy was the first to tell me about this great web site :

every week, for the last year, I have received an e-mail with tons of information.

a few weeks ago, I received one that was called "thirty-two things that change when you have a baby".  I printed them out and here are a few that are true for me:
- where you once believed you were fearless, you now find yourself afraid.
- you respect your parents and love them in a new way.
- you find your baby's pain feels much more worse than your own.
- your heart breaks much more easily.
- you think of someone else 234, 836, 178, 976 times a day.
- your loves becomes limitless, a superhuman power.
- you take the time for one more hug and kiss even if it means that you'll be late
- you find yourself wanting to make this world a better place.