Sunday, November 16, 2008


Last Thursday and Friday, I went to Québec for work.  I love to go to Speaq every year.  I get to see everyone (which is so nice and energizing!) and I also get the chance to give workshops (with my buddy Isabelle- it was great!).
This year, it was possible thanks to Oma and Opa because they came with us Mattie! It was hectic but it all worked out : breast feed - cocktail - sleep - breast feed - workshop - breast feed - business lunch - breast feed - workshop - breast feed...
My parents made it possible by waiting for me every where I asked them to : at the hotel room, at the lobby, at the workshop, at the restaurant...
I know it was a bit boring for : Thank you!

And you, Mattie, you were a champion (as always!)  - except for the ride home - you cried for almost an hour...
Mama's patient so it was not so bad after all...

1 comment:

missweb said...

You're a real trooper Tanja. Good job Mateo!